Sunday 24 July 2016

As plain as I can make it rice

Gently fry a couple of finely chopped shallots in oil. 
Rince 1 cup of rice. 
Add to the shallots and fry for a bit. 
Add 2 cups of water. 
Add (most of) one chicken stock cube (low/no salt!) - make sure it dissolves. 
Add about 1 tsp salt. 
Bring to the boil. 
Allow enough water to evaporate so that you can see all the rice. If you need to stir, do it before this point. 
Put over _extemely_ low heat and cover. 
Check after about 10 minutes. If it's too wet, leave it to cook longer. If it's too dry, and a ladleful of water and leave it to cook. 
When it's done, eat!!!

Additions: any or all combinations of: 
 normal onions, chopped carrots, peas, sweet corn, bacon (fried at the beginning), chickpeas, chopped green beans, chopped garlic, cilantro, lime juice (excellent with Mexican dishes), etc....

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